DXGN featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Intelligent Care

Intelligent Care addresses infection control concerns in healthcare water supplies by taking a revolutionary approach to tap and shower design. The range directly addresses many of the challenges of water control in healthcare environments such as waterborne pathogens, cross infection, scalding risk, outlet contamination and rising water costs. Combining leading clinical aesthetics with highly precise control and digital intelligence, the product range fulfills the needs of both professional and patient users and is not only reassuring, friendly and comfortable to use but will also save lives.

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Topology is a series of black & white hand sketches by Huang Zi (the artist) that explores the imaginative topography of various landscapes and people's relationships with them. Because on every inch of every terrain, there is life. It is a diary of sorts to capture the stories of his various travels to faraway places. Documenting journeys through an artistic rendition is a historical way to celebrate the places that others call home. Huang Zi is bringing this art form to the digital age via an online gallery and social media.

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The Future of Us

The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Advanced Architecture Laboratory (AAL) was commissioned to design this large-scale building envelope for The Future of Us exhibition in late 2014. The visitors of the exhibition experience a stunning play of light and shade cast by an intricate metal lattice, like a ‘walk in an imaginary forest’. It is the capstone event to round up Singapore’s Golden Jubilee (SG50) year of celebrations.

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Silvia bathtub is inspired by the shape of a terracotta bath from 1700 BC and discovered in the palace of Knossos on Crete. Silvia is functional and ergonomic, so that it corresponds to human shape and is wider in shoulders and gets narrower towards feet. This shape also brings reduction in water use, from 280 to 130 liters. The overflow integrated in a thin wall is a solution that so far has not been applied in mass production. The bathtub is made of cast marble, with natural dolomite powder, ensuring warmth and comfort of use.

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Lotus Square Art Center

It's originally a sales centre for property. The designer started from a different angle instead of conservative conduction goes that make a prominent landmark in the local. The designer follows the principle that the interior is part of the architecture, and the whole design focus on the green and sustainability.

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Battle For Sevastopol

The movie isn’t about a war. It’s about people at war. And frankly, all the movie is trying to say is that war is a bad thing! The director of main titles was looking for something that would unite all of these people, both survivors and fallen. It has to be something in tune with those times. And here he finds it. It’s the victory. At what specific moment every single character experiences his or her own victory? What are those characters doing at that moment? What do they look like? It is crucially important to express this feeling through the position, emotion and shape of a figure itself.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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